Then lastly, lets talk about the gameplay of this game. Players are rewarded for engaging in conversations with NPC’s, the overarching story is superb for the most part and the ability to make decisions that will affect your run allows for emergent gameplay and allows this game to be more than just a linear experience. The game offers something that a lot of Metroidvania titles don’t, a cohesive and compelling story. The best example of this is perhaps ingrained within the wonderful writing. The game begs the player to explore and dig deep into the environment here and the great thing is that players get rewarded for their efforts. The backdrops, level design, areas you traverse through and the characters you encounter are all gripping and intriguing. Plus, we need to commend the developers for the game world as a whole. The way that the artists in charge here have taken the Miami Vice, 80’s style and made it look futuristic and unique is a testament to the talent of all those involved. To say that this game is visually stunning perhaps doesn’t do this game justice. Metroidvania With a Twistįirstly, let’s get the neon vapourware aesthetic out of the way first. However, is this a twist for the better? Or is it a contortion that doesn’t sit right with the gaming populous? We find out in our review of Katana Zero.

This title markets itself as a Metroidvania title with a twist. If we were to compare this to other games, we would say that it is most comparable to titles like Hotline Miami, Celeste, Hyper Light Drifter, Dead cells and Hollow Knight. This retro neon crystalline daydream arrived in 2019 and hoped to provide a cohesive story, complex combat and an artistic direction that set it apart from the games that proceeded it. The genre is more diverse and impressive than ever before and it seems that Katana Zero is a product of this consistent improvement to the genre as a whole. This is the opinion of the cynical gamer that has clearly overlooked the offerings the gaming industry has provided in the last few years.

If you’ve played one Metroidvania title, you’ve played them all.